Mon 23 Sep 2024

Q&A with… Balancing Act



Branded a contender for ‘The new generation’s favourite band’ (Jack Saunders), Balancing Act have rapidly become a powerhouse on the live scene. 2024 has seen them release three singles in the anticipation for their EP ‘Tightropes and Limericks’ out on 4th of October. As well as embarking on their Autumn headline tour, they’ll be joining us at Manchester’s Neighbourhood Festival on Saturday 5th of October. The lads joined us for a quick catch up ahead of their busy Autumn. Read below!


Hey Balancing Act! Congrats on your latest single ‘Under The Table’. Tell us a bit about the inspiration behind the track.

Thank you! We wrote it a little while ago, we’ve always played it live but now felt like the right time to put it out. Because we’re releasing an EP it gives you far more creative freedom and you can showcase other sides to where your band can go.


The music video for the single tells the story of a heist, in which you all portray different roles. How did you find jumping into these acting parts on the day?

Honestly it was hilarious. Our good friend Max Dos Santos directed it and he made us feel comfortable almost instantly. All you need to do is where a different jacket or a pair of sunglasses and you immediately feel in character.


The day after your forthcoming EP ‘Tightropes and Limericks’ is released, you’ll be joining us at Neighbourhood Festival. Can fans expect to hear the new tracks live on the day? 

Absolutely! I believe we’re playing the whole thing along with our older stuff too so nobody should be disappointed.


Which track are you most excited to play live?

There’s a song on the EP called AWOL which we started playing over the summer that holds quite a special place for all of us. We’ve loved playing it over the last few months and nobody actually knew it, once it’s out in the world I feel like it’ll be even more fun.


You’re also setting off on your headline Autumn tour soon … what are your touring essentials when on the road?

Ginger shots, deli meats, grapes, wine and haribo. And honey and lemon tea. Very rock and roll I know but you have to look after yourself to some extent!


Is there anyone you’re looking forward to catching at Neighbourhood this year?

Overpass, Andy Goodwin, Beattie, Feet, Chappaqua Wrestling


Have you got anything else exciting coming up in 2024?

You mentioned the EP and the tour so that’s the bulk of our plans at the moment. The EP is being released on vinyl which we’re super excited about. I imagine there will be some more shows towards the end of the year so keep your eyes peeled for that…


Thanks guys! See you at Neighbourhood.

See you down the front etc etc!


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