Mon 23 Jan 2023

Introducing… Queen Cult

Queen Cult

Ahead of their hometown headline show at YES in Manchester on 17th February we caught up with rock band Queen Cult…


Firstly, tell us a bit about the band and how you all got together?

 WELL! It’s been transitional that’s for sure. Me and piers have known each other a while living in the same town. And Brodie joined during covid when we could play 6 feet apart! So it’s been mental. But we all have the same goals as a band and same values. The passion is burning in our bellies!


You’ll be performing a very special headline date at YES in Manchester on Friday 17th February. This will be a hometown show, are you looking forward to it?

 Absolutely. We love a home show. They always pop off cus we all just get it. Let loose and let the music take the room.


What can we expect from the show?

 To send it. The crowd. Us. To just have a good time.


You’ve just released your new single ‘Lollipop’, can you tell us about the track?

 It was a very spontaneous song to write. The effect of your actions can really stall and affect someone else without realising. So this song serves to vocalise the honest and visceral frustration of not knowing how to approach a changing situation

I had the main riff for ages and didn’t have a place for it. Playing it in a different context in rehearsal opened up another avenue for the song, which works seamlessly with the songs message. The process of making Lollipop has changed the way we listened to our previous releases and we feel a closer connection to our craft for it.


You’ll also be releasing your second EP, ‘For Now, Not Forever,’ on 10th February. What was the creative process behind it?

It’s an amalgamation of works we’ve had over lockdown and coming out of the other side of it. But somehow we’ve managed to curate it in a way that has an order and feel in line with how we’ve evolved as a band


Who are your biggest musical influences?

Big mix! We’re all into different stuff but the bands that bind our taste together are probably: Foos, Sleep Token and Royal Blood


Describe your music in three words?

Chaotic, full, controlled.


Have you got any messages for your fans?

We bloody love Yas. You know who you are and we wanna see you as much as possible this year.


What does 2023 have in store for Queen Cult?

Lots of road time. We plan to gig as much as possible and see a bit more of the UK.


Queen Cult will be performing at YES, Manchester on Friday 17th February. Buy tickets now here


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