Mon 10 Feb 2020

Interview with… Apre


Alt pop duo Apre are one of the UK’s most exciting new bands right now and they’re about to go on tour! We spoke to Jules Konieczny about their upcoming shows as well as their new song ‘Your Heart’s Like A Jungle’.

What’s your proudest achievement of 2019, and what do you hope to achieve in 2020?

I think playing Glastonbury would have to be our proudest moment. This year I hope the same continues, I’d love to play many festivals and hopefully visit America again! It’s the most surreal thing going to another country and they shout your lyrics back to you.

Tell us about the music scene in Kent. Were you inspired by your surroundings or felt the need to add something new?

To be honest Kent doesn’t really have a music scene, the closest place to go and see a gig is in London, no one ever comes any more east than that! Probably why we both live in London now.

You’ve just released your latest single ‘You’re Heart’s Like A Jungle’. How have fans responded?

It’s been the most positive response yet! That song holds a really special place in Charlie and I’s hearts so to hear people say they can relate to the subject matter as well makes it all the more rewarding. 

You recently shared the story behind its lyrics, what was the process behind this?

At the time one of us was going through a tough time and that song is a snapshot of that! As we released the song the other of us went through exactly the same thing so it felt all the more appropriate to share what the song is about to us. We are firm believers normally though that you should leave it up to the audience to interpret their own meaning of a song.

Which of your music videos was the most fun to film?

Probably the one just about to come out for ‘Your Hearts Like A Jungle’! We basically just went mental in a house for a day and they filmed it.

You’re about to play shows in Manchester and London, who are your favourite up-and-coming artists from these cities?

We love Porij in Manchester, they are really unique! In London there is a great singer songwriter called Polly Money who we are actually taking out on tour with us.

Are you excited for the shows?

We have never been more excited, we haven’t played to our own audiences properly like this ever before so we are buzzing to be the headline act.

Describe an average day on tour for APRE.

Wake up, hit up a service station Gregg’s for a lukewarm pastry, have an argument about the setlist in the van, get to the venue, soundcheck, chat some shit for a few hours, play a show, probably have another Gregg’s somewhere in between these things and then hit the hotel bar for a nightcap! 

Who gets homesick the quickest?

I think the lads with girlfriends do, it’s obviously tough maintaining a relationship on the road.

Will you be debuting any more new music at these shows?

Yes we shall! I think we will be playing three new songs, the new tracks will never stop coming don’t you worry.

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