Sun 25 Aug 2019

Interview with… Naomi Banks


Emerging alt pop artist Naomi Banks is doing something radically different by grounding her artistry in the truth of experience and sound. Performing in London this November, we found out what really makes her stand out.

When and why did you start playing music?

I became interested in music at about 3. My Mum and Grandma taught piano and singing from home and I used to sit in on the lessons every evening.

What was the first song or artist that you remember listening to?

The first song I can remember listening to is ‘Rotterdam’ by The Beautiful South. I was absolutely fascinated by it and still listen to it all the time.

What are your fondest musical memories?

My fondest musical memories are in the lead up to my saxophone exams. My Grandma would accompany me, and we would practise together every evening. I would cry quite a lot as I would get so frustrated with myself but in between the tears I loved spending that time making music with her.

You merge soul influences with pop beats, did this come from your musical upbringing?

My sound was developed after spending 3 years trying to create a genre that fused together my favourite styles of singing. Soul hasn’t really been an influence on me but my jazz training and love for electronic and pop music has created my current style.

What makes you ‘radically different’ from other artists?

I don’t know what would make me ‘radically different’ to other artists but I guess the jazz influences and my love of harmony make me sound different to most other artists around at the moment.

You’re releasing a new song, ‘Hearts’, what’s the song about and what was the song writing/recording process like for it?

‘Hearts’ is about a girl I was seeing last year. I really liked her but knew it wasn’t going anywhere due to our polar opposite personalities. I wrote the track when I was in LA last year. My producer sent me a rough beat and I sat down and wrote the whole song in a couple of minutes.

If you could collaborate with any musician who would it be?

If I could collaborate with any musician, it would probably be Clean Bandit. I love their writing and the production is always amazing!

What can people expect from your live show?

In my live shows you can expect to have a little boogie and listen to lots of harmonies. I play keys and guitar and have my amazing producer on a drum sample pad and his brother on bass.

What’s your favourite place to hang out in London?

My favourite place to hang out in London is definitely my house! I have 7 house mates who I absolutely adore so we have a lot of fun there. Also, I like being as close as possible to my bed so I can nap regularly.

You’re playing in London later this year, how excited are you for that show?

I’m buzzing about our show later this year!

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