Tue 10 Oct 2017

Interview with… OTHERKIN


Formed in Dublin in 2014, OTHERKIN cut their teeth playing college dorms and house parties before stepping up onto the giddy Irish festival carousel – Longitude, Electric Picnic, Hard Working Class Heroes and Other Voices. As their profile has grown, so has the size of the festival slots and the band’s appearances at Latitude and Reading & Leeds last year were universally praised. We caught up with bass player, David Anthony, ahead of the bands UK Tour…

When did you first start making music?

OTHERKIN formed around 4 years ago, but myself and Conor actually met when we were 13. We formed a band with some friends and played together when we were teenagers. I met Luke when I started college and he had done a similar thing when he was younger. Rob used to be in loads of hardcore bands and was the token drummer for every band in that scene!

Who is your biggest influence?
Personally I would have to say that The Clash are my biggest influence. No other band managed to tastefully cross so many genres without ever losing their effortlessly cool factor. RIP Joe Strummer.

What was your first gig?
The first gig I went to was a Bewitched concert when I was like 10, it was pretty terrible. The first gig I actively chose to go to was meant to be Weezer but I couldn’t convince my parents to let me go!

What was the first record you ever bought?
Once again I wish this wasn’t the answer but it was Silverside Up by Nickleback when I was 11. It was the only CD in my CD player for quite a while so How You Remind Me became my morning alarm for a few months. Needless to say I can no longer listen to Chad Kroeger without wanting to pull the covers back over my head to drown him out.

Which song do you wish you had written?
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, what a bloody cracker of a tune.

What is your favourite album of all time?
London Calling.

If you could share the bill with any band in history?
The Clash, you might be beginning to see a pattern here.

Who would be the first person you’d thank in an award acceptance speech?
My mum for forcing me to learn the violin from the age of 5, I wouldn’t be where I am today if she’d let me quit.

What was the last thing you recommended to someone?
I recommended Martin Scorsese’s After Hours to our sound engineer. It’s definitely one of his most bizarre films, it’s perfectly dark and hilarious all at the same time. Check it out!

A song that defines your teenage years?
Rollercoaster by Blink-182.

First song you’d sing on karaoke?
Sabotage by the Beastie Boys. We actually rang in Luke’s birthday a few years back with some karaoke. I ended up stripping naked during it; karaoke brings out the best in me!

What should people expect at one of your gigs?
Loud, sweaty, carnage. There is no judgement, our gigs are a safe zone for all people. Come in and lose yourself to the music, it’s gonna feel good.

Otherkin tickets available here 
Website – otherkin.com
Facebook – /OtherkinOK 
Twitter – @OtherkinOK

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