Thu 14 Sep 2023

Interview with… Zia Victoria


We caught up with singer-songwriter Zia Victoria during her time opening for Seal on his UK tour..

Introduce yourself – tell us about you, your background, your music?

Hi! My name is Zia Victoria. I’m 18 years old and I’m from New York City. I grew up in a loving household with my parents and little brother where our lives mostly revolved around tennis and sports. My dad is in the tennis world and wanted me to be a tennis player when I grew up but I always knew I wanted to be singer-songwriter. My mom’s side of the family is the musical side — she and her twin sister sang backup for Cyndi Lauper and Siouxie Sioux in the early 2000s and had a family band with their brother when they were younger. My uncle gave me my first guitar on my 5th birthday and I have been playing ever since. I wrote my first song at age 7. I love song-writing more than anything — so the fact that I get to do it as my job is a dream come true!

Tell us about how supporting Seal on his UK tour came about?

Seal heard my cover of his song Crazy and reached out to me. We met and he invited me to play a few shows on his American tour and then he asked me to officially open for him on the UK tour and Paris! I’m so blessed and honored to be sharing the stage with him!

What was the first record you bought?
1989 by Taylor Swift.

Where in the world would you like to play?
Well.. 2 of the places are the UK and Paris and I’m playing there this month!! I would also like to play in Australia and India (my grandma is from Mumbai).

Who was the first band/artist you ever saw perform live?
Cyndi Lauper

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Living in a cozy cottage in the countryside of England like the movie “The Holiday” (but not alone lol).

If you could collaborate with any other artists, living or dead, who would you choose?
Taylor Swift, Alanis Morisette, Joni Mitchell, Cyndi Lauper, Sarah Barellis, John Lennon, Prince. I know that’s a lot but I could go on!

What are you listening to at the moment?
Sting, Joni Mitchell, Seal, Taylor Swift, Renee Rapp, Olivia Rodrigo, Alanis Morisette

What is your favourite song to perform live?
Dear Shallow and Collarbone

What’s your relationship like with Seal and how has it impacted you and your own music?
Seal is not only an incredible artist, he is also an amazing person! Kind, wise and generous. He has inspired me in so many ways! The way he performs and connects with his audience and does everything from the heart! He writes about things that so many people relate to. When he performs he gives 110 percent. Even if he is tired or not feeling great he finds another gear.

What does your writing process look like? Is it the same every time?

I usually pick up my guitar or go to the piano and start playing. Words and chords just come out. I record them on voice memo and then go back to see if there is a story there and then continue to work on it. Most of the songs I write are about my experiences and relationships. My writing changes with my life.

Any new music in the works?
Yes! Always 🙂

Message for your fans?
Thank you for supporting me and listening to my music! And to those of you who are hearing about me for the first time, it would mean so much to me if you checked out my debut EP ‘05 Baby’ available now on all streaming platforms.


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